Icon for anticapitalistcatgirl.club anticapitalistcatgirl.club — AntiCapitalist Catgirl Club

A place for friends, not brands. Queer AF. Anti racist. Anti fascist. No TERFs allowed.Use CW liberally, and for sure put a warning on anything NSFW.


up since 2024-09-21 05:31 (7.0 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 99.84%
  • Users: 11 (1 active this month, 1 active last six months)
  • Posts: 2284
  • Posts per user: 207.64
  • Peers: 11303
  • Version: mastodon 4.2.12
  • Registrations: Approval Required

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Latest Nodeinfo

Prometheus Data

Stats 2024-09-14 04:53 — 2024-09-28 04:15

  • users: 11 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 11 / 11 / 11.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • posts: 2284 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 2284 / 2284 / 2284.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • peers: 11303 (2.75/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 11264 / 11303 / 11282.76 / 11.85

    1130311264 +1-1+3
  • response_time: 1.567 (0.03/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 0 / 3 / 1.37 / 0.93

    1.5673.7590.075 -0.498+2.551-2.355

Crawling Info

First contact: 2022-11-10 (22.6 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-09-28 (6.7 minutes ago)

Contact: 43529 successful, 1811 failed.

Average fetch time: 1.37s

Next attempt scheduled for 8.3 minutes from now.

Found through pleroma.patricia.no (down)

IP address: (and 182 others, including: mastodon.sjolin.io (up), tambayan.us (down), normalunicorn.com (up), mentalhealth-masto.com (up), boothcomputing.social (up), trans.house (up), pkm.social (up), assemblag.es (up), mastodon.skrimmage.com (up), thinkydoers.social (up))



Admin: Anti-capitalist Cat Girl Club
Writer of things
Fan of TTRPGs and Board Games
Taker of Selfies
Baker of Cookies
Anti fascist / Anti racist

#viableparadise #vp20 #vp2016 #trans #sapphic #queer #criticalRole #imodna


Federation Info

Peers: 11303

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]