Icon for boles.xyz boles.xyz — David Boles and Friends in the Fediverse!


up since 2024-08-13 07:28 (25.8 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 99.77%
  • Users: 3 (1 active this month, 3 active last six months)
  • Posts: 6167
  • Posts per user: 2055.67
  • Peers: 21966
  • Version: mastodon 4.2.12
  • Registrations: Closed

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Prometheus Data

Stats 2024-08-25 02:11 — 2024-09-08 01:54

  • users: 3 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 3 / 3 / 3.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • posts: 6167 (-2.01/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 6159 / 6195 / 6175.29 / 11.22

    616761596195 +0+4-5
  • peers: 21966 (7.82/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 21857 / 21966 / 21895.20 / 33.56

    2196621857 +1+38-1
  • response_time: 2.975 (0.01/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 0 / 7 / 2.98 / 1.44

    2.9750.7937.859 +0.226-6.370+5.731

Crawling Info

First contact: 2023-01-04 (20.1 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-09-08 (11.1 minutes ago)

Contact: 37058 successful, 2175 failed.

Average fetch time: 2.98s

Next attempt scheduled for 7.6 minutes from now.

Found through zadankai.club (up)

IP address: (and 956 others, including: clicky.ink (down), robertparker.se (up), spacelase.rs (up), 23.social (up), moshpit.zip (down), 1066.social (down), reality2.social (up), auxim.social (up), rbrtr.com (down), deadlymilehigh.club (up))



David Boles is an author, publisher and musician. https://Boles.tv and the real at https://Boles.ai and streaming at https://Boles.radio and music https://Boles.co/spotify and use his 11Labs AI voice: https://Boles.co/11 Fedi: https://threads.net/@bolesbooks

"If the oaks and stars could die for sorrow, it's a dark sky and a hard and naked earth we'd have this night." -Deirdre of the Sorrows- by John Millington Synge in 1910.

#INTJ #AI #Opera #Columbia #ASL #Searchable #DeafAccessibility


Federation Info

Peers: 21966

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