Icon for dog.estate dog.estate

A personal mastodon instance for me and people I know. I'll only approve people I know.


down since 2022-11-14 05:22 (19.4 months ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 43.38%
  • Users: 3 (3 active this month, 3 active last six months)
  • Posts: 4687
  • Posts per user: 1562.33
  • Peers: 6886
  • Version: mastodon 3.5.3
  • Registrations: Open

[View Timeline] (← Broken) | [View Timeline Media]


No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2021-02-06 (3.4 years ago)

Last successful contact: 2022-11-13 (19.4 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-06-25 (26.5 hours ago)

Contact: 63097 successful, 9424 failed.

Average fetch time: 0.96s

Next attempt scheduled for 26.2 hours ago.

Found through freespeechextremist.com (down)

IP address: (and 159 others, including: chicken.rodeo (down), relay.plush.city (down), kollegin.eu (up), dobremiejsce.robmydobrze.pl (down), lotus-eyes.net (down), mysound.directory (down), quigleys.org (down), pamilya.social (down), photographer.pro (down), electricpea.ch (down))



Software developer, part time father, and full time doggo dad, living in Bergen, Norway. I like writing, reading, watching stuff, cooking, taking pictures.

I delete posts older than 7 days as long as I have more than 25 posts using https://forget.codl.fr/


Federation Info

Peers: 6886

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]