fedizens.perchinup.top — Fedizens' Plaza

Just a chill and nerdy instance runnin' on Sharkey.


down since 2024-02-19 05:39 (8.0 months ago)

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Prometheus Data


No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2024-02-10 (8.2 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-02-19 (8.0 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-10-18 (23.1 minutes ago)

Contact: 405 successful, 895 failed.

Average fetch time: 0.68s

Next attempt scheduled for 8.1 minutes ago.

Found through flyingbattery.zone (nxdomain)

IP address: (and limepeeps.perchinup.top.)


Hey! This is me, Poppy Farbird, and I am the radmin of fedizens.perchinup.top, an instance I have created due to my passion for Fedi (and a willingness to persist even with my shit-tier sysadmin skills). I am also a queer furry artist, libre-software advocate, and leftist. Some things to know: 1. Assume all other accounts that *seem* like me are likely fake unless I link them here. 2. Some of my posts will be horny (though with a content warning), so take that in mind before tapping to view them and or complaining. 3. What I post will not have a set schedule, though I will try to aim for weekly/biweekly uploads of creative works. 4. Take what I post in good faith (I'm not trying to screw with you in any way). 5. I'll try to avoid bigotry whenever possible in order to avoid real harm, though I will make mistakes and I'll have to apologize for it. 6. Artworks made before November 1, 2023 are licensed under [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), and artworks made after November 3, 2023 and all characters are licensed under [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).


Federation Info

Peers: 949

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[Outgoing Blocks]