Icon for mk.moth.zone mk.moth.zone — the moth zone

the moth zone (misskey edition)


up since 2024-09-17 14:56 (3.2 days ago)

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Latest Nodeinfo

Prometheus Data

Stats 2024-09-06 20:21 — 2024-09-20 19:27

  • users: 5 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 5 / 5 / 5.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • posts: 3380 (40.46/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 2815 / 3380 / 3072.74 / 166.23

    33802815 +1-3+38
  • peers: 3478 (17.04/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 3240 / 3478 / 3346.88 / 72.93

    34783240 +0+4-3
  • response_time: 0.174 (-0.04/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 0 / 64 / 3.76 / 8.55

    0.1740.04164.634 -0.650-59.911+57.469

Crawling Info

First contact: 2024-07-16 (66.6 days ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-09-20 (50.7 minutes ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-09-20 (3.5 minutes ago)

Contact: 9227 successful, 879 failed.

Average fetch time: 3.76s

Next attempt scheduled for 19.5 minutes from now.

Found through mastodon.vierkantor.com (up)

IP address: (and 3 others: moth.zone (down), pl.moth.monster (down), pleroma.moth.monster (down))


That person who does the moth things and stuff


Federation Info

Peers: 3478

Found through mk.moth.zone:

Listed in the local bubble for:

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