Icon for religion.masto.host religion.masto.host — Mastodon

This academic instance is provided by A. Vincent at a cost of approximately US$300/year. If you would like to contribute to the maintenance of this instance, you can donate here. When the instance is full, we will need donations to be able to open it up to more users. Until then, please let anyone you know in the academic study of religion (or cognate disciplines) that there is room for them here!


up since 2024-09-21 03:52 (14.1 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 99.85%
  • Users: 113 (15 active this month, 24 active last six months)
  • Posts: 4857
  • Posts per user: 42.98
  • Peers: 19249
  • Version: mastodon 4.2.13
  • Registrations: Approval Required

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Prometheus Data

Stats 2024-09-21 06:11 — 2024-10-05 04:56

  • users: 113 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 113 / 114 / 113.04 / 0.20

    113114 +0-1+1
  • posts: 4857 (0.98/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 4843 / 4857 / 4848.80 / 4.17

    48574843 03
  • peers: 19249 (5.65/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 19167 / 19249 / 19208.01 / 23.59

    1924919167 +1-1+4
  • response_time: 3.208 (0.17/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 0 / 7 / 2.21 / 1.32

    3.2080.0717.394 -0.236-5.431+4.603

Crawling Info

First contact: 2022-11-05 (23.0 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-10-05 (13.9 minutes ago)

Contact: 42730 successful, 2632 failed.

Average fetch time: 2.21s

Next attempt scheduled for 67.3 seconds from now.

Found through mastodon.online (up)

IP address: (and 755 others, including: sitc.masto.host (down), digitalwriting.masto.host (down), thesimons.us (down), cloud.masto.host (down), boysclub.masto.host (down), cryptclub.masto.host (down), toot.si (up), stonecutters.masto.host (down), taboo.masto.host (down), jotboard.masto.host (down))



Historian of Religion, based somewhere between Canada and Sweden. Promotor of #Religidons

Modern #Judaism #InterreligiousDialogue #GenocideStudies #PopCulture #MemoryStudies


Federation Info

Peers: 19249

Found through religion.masto.host:

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