Icon for soc.pierobosio.info soc.pierobosio.info — Personal Mastodon Social Network

This social network is experimental and works on a Mastodon application configured on a Raspberry Pi4 computer running Linux Ubuntu 20.04.


down since 2024-06-22 21:39 (6.8 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 43.74%
  • Users: 5 (4 active this month, 5 active last six months)
  • Posts: 446
  • Posts per user: 89.20
  • Peers: 5343
  • Version: mastodon 3.5.3
  • Registrations: Open

[View Timeline] (← Broken) | [View Timeline Media]


No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2022-06-03 (24.9 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2023-05-01 (14.0 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-06-28 (17.8 hours ago)

Contact: 19980 successful, 4624 failed.

Average fetch time: 2.65s

Next attempt scheduled for 17.5 hours ago.

Found through pirati.ca (up)

IP address: (and 25 others, including: evln.xyz (down), p4.inthecatsdreams.xyz (down), monrepos.online (down), dislive.me (blacklisted), video.nobodyhasthe.biz (down), social.nobodyhasthe.biz (down), soc.free-pic.org (down), antisocial.nobodyhasthe.biz (down), feditube.com (down), mastodon.aloor.xyz (down))



Webmaster - PC programmer - Web developer. I live in Nole (Turin) - Italy.
xmpp im: xmpp:piero@bosio.dev


Federation Info

Peers: 5343

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]