Icon for supernormalreads.nl supernormalreads.nl — Supernormal Reads

Supernormal Reads is a queer-focused instance of Book Wyrm. Anyone can join regardless of their gender and sexual or romantic orientation. We welcome any kind of book: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, comics, cooking books, instruction manuals, etc. Queerness lies in the eyes of the beholder. You can follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances and on Mastodon. Supernormal Reads is run by Supernormal, a queer literary collective based in Amsterdam. You can find them on Instagram: [@supernormalbooks](https://www.instagram.com/supernormalbooks/?hl=en)


up since 2024-02-11 17:58 (6.9 months ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 100.00%
  • Users: 9 (2 active this month, 4 active last six months)
  • Posts: 741
  • Posts per user: 82.33
  • Peers: 111
  • Version: bookwyrm 0.7.1
  • Registrations: Closed

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Latest Nodeinfo

Prometheus Data

Stats 2024-08-26 10:43 — 2024-09-08 00:36

  • users: 9 (0.00/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 9 / 9 / 9.00 / 0.00

    ⋯ ⋯
  • posts: 741 (0.57/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 737 / 741 / 739.00 / 1.34

    741737 01
  • peers: 111 (0.14/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 110 / 111 / 110.50 / 0.50

    111110 01
  • response_time: 2.252 (0.13/day)

    min/max/avg/stddev: 1 / 3 / 2.64 / 0.66

    2.2523.6781.314 -0.311-1.564+2.364

Crawling Info

First contact: 2024-02-11 (6.9 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-09-08 (10.7 minutes ago)

Contact: 17645 successful, 1157 failed.

Average fetch time: 2.64s

Next attempt scheduled for 5.8 minutes from now.

Found through books.theunseen.city (up)

IP address:


Federation Info

Peers: 111

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]