Icon for toots.hwl.li toots.hwl.li — Republic of Queerland


nxdomain since 2024-01-11 23:42 (5.5 months ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 40.70%
  • Users: 25 (16 active this month, 16 active last six months)
  • Posts: 25330
  • Posts per user: 1013.20
  • Peers: 11942
  • Version: mastodon 3.5.5+glitch
  • Registrations: Closed

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No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2022-05-13 (25.5 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2023-03-27 (15.0 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-06-26 (9.4 hours ago)

Contact: 18269 successful, 9769 failed.

Next attempt scheduled for 8.9 hours ago.

Found through misskey.chn.moe (up)

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🌈 I am a wolf just howling around 🐺
🐞 But in the night they're all I think about 🐈‍⬛

🏳️‍🌈 Queer | Enby | Neurodivergent 🏳️‍⚧️

💖 @nellie, @red
💛 @jasja, @rassie
💙 @mili, @mandy
💕 @bread, @rose
🐘 @calliope, @luke, @leia
🐞 @loupjaunenoir @chiotpoubelle

┃╰━━━━━▏╭▆┊╭▆▕ Queerwolf
┈┃╯╯╯╯╯▏╰━┻━╯▕ goes
┈┈┃┃┃┈┃┃┃┃┈┈┈┈ howl

Red Riding Hood, where are you?
@red 👋 .. oh there you are 😁

┈▏┏┳╮┈╭┳┓▕┈┈┃┃┈ Kitty
┈╲┈┈╰┻╯┈┈╱▔▔┈┃┈ goes
┈┈┈┈┃┏┓┣━━┳┳┓┃┈ purr

❝ The weakest are from deeply within
the strongest of all natures ❞ ✐ Jase Wolf

( • . •)
/ > 🥞 Eat this if you dare 🏳️‍🌈

Avatar: Ruby from RWBY fanart by egerik_k_.
Header: Chat Noir from Miraculous.
Bio image: Yang from RWBY fanart by SkunkDJ.


None lately

Federation Info

Peers: 11942

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