Icon for woem.men woem.men — What is a Woɘmₘₑₙ?

A safe space for trans catgirls (and our allies) to thrive. This is the successor to Platypus Social. Rules can be viewed on the signup page.


down since 2024-03-11 20:30 (3.6 months ago)

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No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2023-12-10 (6.6 months ago)

Last successful contact: 2024-03-11 (3.6 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-06-29 (86.6 minutes ago)

Contact: 7167 successful, 1397 failed.

Average fetch time: 1.98s

Next attempt scheduled for 71.6 minutes ago.

Found through eepy.moe (up)

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[evil] lvl. 99 autistic lesbian vampire catgirl who's so bad at being evil she always chooses the good option by accident voted "god's favorite princess" by fedi on 01/12/24: https://woem.men/notes/9of1cv76qrss06m1 added to TBS for being "anti-TBS": https://woem.men/notes/9q82cz1ul1dw03ph ------------------------------------------- ℹ️ Server maid for Platypus Social, woemen, and Rainbow Lewds :blobcatchewwire: ℹ️ First bit @chaoskitsune on 01/25/24 💕 (Girlfriend) ℹ️ Headmate: @leebee@eepy.moe ℹ️ Goddaughters: @itzzenext@mstdn.constellatory.net and @luna ⚠️ Please ask if i have emotional capacity available before relying on me for comfort. ⚠️ I frequently parody religious themes in my posts. Interact with me if you want me to follow you back. Profile Picture Alt-text: A vampire catgirl standing in front of the moon with an evil look on her face. PFP Credit: @Cosmix@mastodon.art Reviews: https://woem.men/notes/9n443kcvm6u101js Boundaries: https://woem.men/notes/9n440lfrm6u101j6 #nobot #noarchive #noindex
