Icon for meld.de meld.de — Meld

Meld does not block other instances because of, wrong opinion or wrong ideology. Free opinion, free speech and all political views are respected here. Meld federates with Diaspora, Mastodon, Pleroma, Hubzilla, GNU Social, WordPress, Nextcloud, Pixelfed, PeerTube, OStatus, ActivityPub, Twitter, RSS, Buffer, etc


down since 2024-05-24 04:15 (33.5 days ago)

Status Changes [CSV] [RSS]

  • Uptime: 37.58%
  • Users: 8 (6 active this month, 8 active last six months)
  • Posts: 1970
  • Posts per user: 246.25
  • Peers: 26498
  • Version: friendica 2023.09-dev-1522
  • Registrations: Closed

[View Timeline] (← Broken) | [View Timeline Media]


No successful contact during the given timeframe.

Crawling Info

First contact: 2021-02-06 (3.4 years ago)

Last successful contact: 2023-07-18 (11.3 months ago)

Latest attempt: 2024-06-26 (3.0 hours ago)

Contact: 31520 successful, 6777 failed.

Next attempt scheduled for 147.2 minutes ago.

Found through freespeechextremist.com (down)

IP address: (and 32 others, including: deepweb.eu (blacklisted), fedi.tech (blacklisted), pleroma.bunni.eu (blacklisted), adelaide.group (blacklisted), tamiltoot.online (blacklisted), social.hangup.eu (blacklisted), mastodon.socnet.eu (blacklisted), mk.fedi.tech (blacklisted), zhai.eu (blacklisted), colab.humanconnect.eu (blacklisted))


[User has opted out of being discoverable.]
45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸
Ich freue mich über eure geilen Kommentare und über reichlich nasse Fötzchen und harte Ficklatten


Federation Info

Peers: 26498

Found through meld.de:

[Incoming Blocks]

[Outgoing Blocks]